Our Mission

  Our mission is leading everyday people into new life with Christ. This begins with a solid biblical foundation and a genuine love for Jesus Christ (2 Tim 2:2). We believe that Christian maturity must coincide with biblical understanding and we intend to cultivate this through expository preaching that engages believers with God’s transforming Word (1 Pet 2:2). We also strive to become a community of believers who live in unity and obedience to the Word of God with a common goal in mind (Acts 2:42-47). 

            Jesus made it clear that the Great Commission is the mission of the church (Matt 28:18-20, Acts 1:8). Our interest is not in a certain people group, but in anyone who will heed the gospel message and come follow Him with us. Our priority is not so much in growing a large church, as it is in growing the kingdom of God and we strive to fulfill that by going to the lost rather than hoping that the lost will find the church (Luke 14:23). We desire to be a church that believes proclamation of the gospel is a lifestyle of those who have been transformed by it. 

Core Values

1.     Prayer: Prayer is vital to the life of a believer and the health of a church; therefore, all ministries, activities, and decisions will be reliant upon prayer in their planning, preparation, and execution.

2.    Biblical Authority: God’s word is inspired, inerrant, and authoritative; therefore, we are committed to expository preaching and biblical teaching to equip believers to live the life of faith. 

3.    Fellowship: The church is not just a group of people but a community of believers that grows through fellowship; therefore, we make fellowship and the breaking of bread a regular practice so that the church becomes a community instead of only a weekly gathering. 

4.    Evangelism: One of the purposes God has established the church is to reach a lost and dying world with the gospel of Jesus Christ; therefore, cultivating an environment where proclamation of the gospel is top priority.

5.    Discipleship: The Great Commission is unfilled unless we make disciples; therefore, we are committed to teaching and equipping all new beleivers to live a godly life in Christ.